Monday, April 11, 2005

Today let's explore some possible interview questions. These are a few questions that might come up during a college interview. There are many more, but these are very possible questions to prepare for.

1. What recent experience has changed your life?

2. What is your worst quality?

3. If you could read the evaluations of a teacher, what would it say about you?

4. Are your test scores an accurate reflection of your abilities?

5. Are you satisfied with your academic record?

6. How would you describe your two or three best friends?

7. Do you have any anxieties about going to college?

8. What do you want to learn from your college experience?

9. What have you done recently to help someone else?

10. Do you do any writing outside of school? If so, what?

11. What do you feel you could contribute to this school?

12. If you could spend one year prior to college and money wasn't a problem, where would you go and what would you do?

13. If you could call anyone on the phone, who would you call and why?

14. Do you think you are prepared for a college curriculum?

15. Who are your heroes?

16. If you didn't go to college what would you do?

The list of questions could go on and on. Generally you need to be prepared for just about anything. Don't be afraid to pause and think before you answer. Many of these questions have no right or wrong answer, it is just an opportunity for the admissions officer to get to know you better.
Be sure to go by the website and see what other helpful information is available there. The HomeSchooler's College Guide is a helpful tool in preparation for college admission and especially scholarship application. Come check us out at