Monday, August 30, 2004

Well, school is back in session for most folks or will be within the next week or so. If you have a high school Junior this year, be sure to have him take the PSAT in October. This is a sort of "practice" test for the SAT and is also the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship program. It is a great way to get in a practice test prior to taking the SAT for real. This fall's test will reflect the changes to the SAT that will begin with the first test date of 2005, so it will be a good preview of that new test.
Also, freshmen and sophomores can take the test---no results will be sent anywhere except to your home address if you register as a homeschooled student. I highly encourage any homeschoolers to take this test. It is a great way to get some testing experience when the results really won't matter and it will give you a good idea of what to expect on later tests.

If you are interested in taking the test, be sure to contact a local high school (some larger private schools also offer the exam). Find out how they want you to register, but do this NOW as registration will end in a few weeks. Remember that the schools do not have to allow outsiders to test with them, so if one school refuses, keep checking around til you find one that will work with you.

I have further information on the PSAT and other tests in my HomeSchooler's College Guide. Let me help you prepare your child for college admission and scholarship application! Come by my website at