Monday, December 22, 2003

Merry Christmas to each of you! I hope that you were able to finish up your semester so that you have some time to enjoy the holidays!

If you have a high school student, make sure that you have a valid social security number for him. You must have one for all college applications and for registering for the SAT and/or ACT exams. Also, most scholarship forms require the Social Security Number for the student. If you do not have one---get one now.

Come by the website to get full information on the HomeSchooler's College Guide. I have information for homeschooled students on college selection, college admission, testing, record keeping and on financial aid and scholarships. The website can be found at

Have a blessed holiday season!

Monday, December 15, 2003

For those of you with high school students, be sure to get your transcript in order at the end of the semester. You will need it for college applications and also for many scholarship applications. Each semester, you need to figure GPA for that semester and also cumulative GPA. If you do this at the end of each semester during high school, it will be easy to have it ready to go for the end of your high school career.
Come visit at our website for more information on what we have to offer

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

For those of you that have high school seniors, be aware that the busiest scholarship season is just around the corner. Many scholarship applications have due dates during March and April. Now is the time to seriously begin looking for scholarships to apply for.
If you haven't registered with some web based scholarship search engines, now is the time to do that.
For full info come visit my website at

Monday, December 08, 2003

Hope your holiday season is going well! Seems like time just flies by during the holiday season!
If you have a Junior this year, it is time for that student to be taking her first SAT and/or ACT college entrance exam. Deciding which test to take can be a challenge unless you have a pretty good idea which colleges your student is planning on attending. Generally a school will require one of the two tests (some will take the score on either, but most have a preference). If you have no idea where your student may want to go, I'd advise you to have her take both exams so that you will be prepared for any choice. These tests can be repeated as many times as you wish, and scores tend to improve with each testing. You can check prep books out of your public library or buy them at a large book store, and preparing will help improve your scores.
For registration info, check these sites: for the SAT for the ACT
We have recently updated our website, so be sure to come visit us at
Have a great week. Linda Weaver

Monday, December 01, 2003

Hope all had a great Thanksgiving! I guess we need to be ready for a very busy Christmas season!
With the holidays approaching, there may be good community service opportunities availabe for your students. Many scholarships are based on some community service, so getting some of that done each year during high school may improve your chances for receiving scholarships. Check with a local food pantry or clothing ministry. See if there is an Angel Tree program that you can help with. It is always good for a teen to see the needs of others and to see how they can help other people.
Be sure that you keep a record of any community service done--you may have a hard time remembering what you did this year when you are making scholarship application 2 years from now! This is what my calendar is for--it not only lists some things to do each month, but gives you a place to record activities. Come visit my website at Be aware that our special Get Started price is still in effect --we have a new webhost and will be updating our site in the next few days. To get our current prices, click on the Get Started banner on the homepage.

You can email me at