Wednesday, November 26, 2003

I want to wish each and every one of you a very happy Thanksgiving! Hope you get to spend the day with family and friends.

For any of you that have children interested in the military, you need to know that there are some great ROTC scholarships available. These scholarships pay tuition, books and up to $200 per month for up to 4 years. A scholarship recipient can even use the scholarship during their freshman year, then decide the military isn't for them and drop out of the program with nothing to repay! It is a special program they have adopted to allow students a chance to try out the military.
I am not sure about all the scholarships; however, the Air Force ROTC scholarship deadline is December 1, so if you have a senior that is interested, you need to get this done now. Go to the website for the full information. and click on ROTC scholarships.
Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Today I want to again stress the importance of keeping records of your students' activities for scholarship purposes. If you wait until your child is a senior and then begin to pick up scholarship forms, you will quickly find that you don't remember all the neat stuff they did during those early high school years. You might forget some great community service projects or other things. Be sure that each year you keep a record of all extra-curricular activities--that way, when you are applying for scholarships you will have all the information you need.
This is exactly what my Calendar Planner does--it gives you a convenient place to record activities. It also lists a few things that need to be done each month during the high school years so that your student will be ready for college admission and scholarship application. Come see what we have to offer at:

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Be sure to record each text you use every year--some colleges require this information from homeschooled applicants. It would be a good idea to simply make a copy of the title page and the table of contents. Do this each year--you may never need it, but if you do, you will have it!
We did not need this for either of our girls; however, when your child is 15-16 years old, you probably have no idea what school she may ultimately decide to attend, and what their admissions requirements will be. It is far easier to have the information available than to have to go back and dig it up at a later date.
Come see us at

Monday, November 17, 2003

For high school juniors, if you took the PSAT in October, you can expect to be getting your test scores back late this month or early next month. If your scores are exceptionally high, you may qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. This could mean some great financial help with college as there are many colleges around the country that offer free tuition for National Merit Scholars.
Come check out our website for more information.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Well, we are in our new home and things are beginning to take shape. I will be back to the routine next Monday, November 17 and will continue with daily additions.
See you next week.

Monday, November 03, 2003

If you have a senior this fall, be sure to have her SAT/ACT scores available for scholarship applications. You can still have your student take the exams for the first time or for a repeat time in the next few months, if necessary. Most scholarship applications request the scores, so be sure that you have some to report.
For more information on scholarships or college entrance exams, come by our website at: Our getting started special has been extended, so be sure to check out the special prices.
We are in the process of moving to a different house this week, so I may not get many opportunities to add to my blog this week, but I should be back by this time next week.